Montag, 29. Juni 2009

Exhibitions past and present

There are a couple of ongoing exhibitions in Germany which I would like to inform you about: first a double show of Cecile Dupaquier and myself in Ostfildern near Stuttgart, a small prosperous town with a view of the hilly Swabian Alb. One of the top architects of the German scene, Juergen Mayer H., built his early masterpiece there, the so-called and widely renowned "Stadthaus" of squares and rectangels and tilting walls. There is the Staedtische Galerie on ground floor level, a beautiful white cube space which currently houses Cecile's and my works. Her pseudo-architecture in white and black is made of paper, immensely fragile and reflects or ironises the thick concrete walls and fortress-like dimensions of the architecture. My paintings equally are site-specific in that they are painted according to sketches I made in this very space over the last couple of years.

We had a great opening in May, good press releases and are rather reluctant to take down soon what took us ages to realise - but this is as art goes..
There is another exhibition in Wuppertal, Western Germany, home of Tony Cragg, British sculptor and Pina Bausch, famous dancer. It is the gallery EPIKUR which shows, for the second time, my cardboard pieces of females, males and - this time - trees (see below, last entry). Here is the Website for all those who would like to have a closer look:

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