Dienstag, 30. September 2008

New Paintings

Lately, I have disovered a new interest: painting trees! This may result from my stay in the Alpes during summer or the yearning for the quiet of a forest in the midst of my rather turbulent down-town Berlin life. Or it just happened and I found much joy in the brownish tones of the surfaces of the tree trunks. As usual, there is a singular figure next to the "natural aspects" and not much else..

The series is nearly complete - there are three more paintings (measuring only 24 x 32 cm or 9.5 x 12.6 ins.) to be tackled and then there are 20 of them alltogether, displaying the full tones of my personal grasp of "Herbst" (autumn).

3 Kommentare:

Anonym hat gesagt…

These are beautiful! Once I have time to visit you again, I would love to see the rest :-)

Anonym hat gesagt…

dear ines, from far away I recognize immediately your style and I love the pictures I see and I remember our walks through berlin and london. when time goes by perhaps again. with all my best wishes, michaela

Anonym hat gesagt…

Liebe Ines, diese wunderschöne Bilder berühren mich und machen mich nachdenklich weil sie, wie die anderen - "architektonische" mit Menschenfiguren), beim Betrachten eine Unruhe schaffen.
Ich möchte sie gerne mal alle ansehen. Ich hoffe bald. LG, auch an Leo! Duška